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God chose Prophetess Ruth Walkes as Shepard of R.A.W. Ministries. Pastor Ruth has a Bachelors in Theology and ordinated as Pastor/Teacher, Masters. She operates in many of the Gifts noted in scripture. Her favorite area of service is Praise and Worship.


She is preceded in ministry by her Dad, Pastor George Reed; mother/pianist, Estella M. T. Reed and sister, Evangelist Mary A. Reed, and great grandfather Pastor Henry Tibbs. She was raised from birth to know of the Lord as a Southern Baptist. At the age of 22, she established her own personal relationship and journey with God seeking acknowledging The Messiah as her own personal savor. She was baptized in Yeshua The Messiah and received the empowering promise of the Holy Spirit that continues to develop her, for such a time as this.


Pastor Walkes has served in the House of the Lord within a plethora of positions according to the needs at hand. She was the former Co-Pastor of Grace and Mercy Apostolic Church and Interim Pastor of City of Refuge Church. God has blessed her to journey in mission work throughout the world (U.S. Mexico, Barbados, Africa, Israel).


She has preached to a host of 6 million viewer as a guest on various media venues.


  • Warner Broadcasting

  • Zion Media Broadcasting

  • Hosanna Broadcasting Network

  • San Diego Pubic Broadcasting

  • Remnant Connection


In addition, she has led several Revivals at various Ministries always striving to preach Jesus to the World.


She specializes in marriage relationships concerning the saved and the unsaved.

She has a CD on Unequally Yoked, but Yoke, which is the title of her current written material and considers herself an unpublished poet and writer.


Ruth Walkes, M. Ed. The Pastor/Teacher/Prophetess is a native of California. Ruth is the mother of two birth children; two by marriage children; and two adopted children and a blessed wife of D. Walkes. She has a dual A.A. and A.S. degree in Sociology and Psychology, a dual B. A. in Human Development and Liberal Studies, a Bachelors of Theology and a Masters in Education along with several Teaching Credentials. 

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