Our desire for you is three fold:
That the God of all grace appoints and anoints you with a renewing of your mind, body, soul and spirit. And, you embrace God’s love for you as His Beloved Heirs in His Kingdom.
His Spirit transforms you as you read, study and develop a loving relationship with Yeshua.
To let your light shine as you demonstrate your commitment to God.
The Body of Disciples pray that you have life and have it more abundantly. That you may find answers and accept the peace of Our Heavenly Father as you grow and develop your personal relationship with Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth.
As Pastor, I personally pray you find your purpose and live your destiny in the life that Messiah Yeshua wants for you. I pray you gain confidence and courage to do what Yeshua wants for you instead of people. Be brave in the Lord and let your light shine that all will see God in you and Believe in Yeshua.